A magical stone with an epic lineage, lemurian quartz crystals is a treasure trove of wisdom. Like the rings of a tree trunk, each Lemurian Quartz crystal stone contains sacred messages and symbols that are represented in unique horizontal lines and grooves, an abstract pattern that resembles the hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians. These unique markings contain the secrets of the universe, whether it's found in the expansion of the ever-spinning orbit of your spirituality or a wider perception that renews the everlasting spirit of "all for one and all for love." Channel the Lemurian crystal meaning by sitting quietly with the stone and rubbing your finger up and down the grooves of the keyholes. In this quiet space of your mind, the visions and messages you receive can be downloaded for self-healing and celebrating your individuality. If you’re feeling spiritually adrift, hold tight to the Lemurian crystal and feel your heart grow exponentially when you reconnect with your divine purpose.
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