Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate

Do you let stress get in the way of your life? Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed out more often than you’d like? Are you looking for a tool to help you manage stress in a healthy way? If you said yes to any of these questions, then a Blue Lace Agate stone is a must-have member of your crystal collection.

An Introduction To Blue Lace Agate Healing Properties

Included in the pale blue color ray, the Blue Lace Agate properties bring calm, soothing vibes that help cool off fiery emotions. The aesthetic of the Blue Lace Agate perfectly represents its calming and soothing energy. Just by looking at this stone, you can breathe a little deeper and calm your mind, body and spirit at ease. Especially in a world filled with constant noise, pressure, and stress, the calming influence of the Blue Lace Agate meaning, which links us to the higher frequency of deep blue, is a powerful tool for daily wellness. Not only does it help you respond to stress in a healthier manner, but the Blue Lace Agate crystal meaning is also known for also promoting sleep and supporting your overall well-being.

The Blue Lace Agate meaning is also connected to the throat chakra, the center of communication. In addition to its stress-relieving properties, Blue Lace Agate is a powerful tool for communication and self-expression. If nerves or worry often get in the way of your authentic truth, use this stone to help you live your life without holding back.

History & Lore

The name Blue Lace Agate comes from the beautiful white lines that cut across the sky blue stone and create a lace-like pattern. Blue Lace Agate is one of the rarest crystals on the planet because it is only found in one mine in Namibia. It was discovered in 1962 by American prospector George Swanson and was mined by hand until 1977. Subsequently, the mine closed in 2016. The blue hue of Blue Lace Agate depends on the depth from which the stone was mined. In general, the deeper the mine, the bluer the stone. Only about 30 percent of mined pieces of Blue Lace Agate weigh more than 1 kilogram, so large pieces of this crystal are very rare.

Origin & Regionality

Blue Lace Agate is found only in South Africa.

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